Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Peeping Tom

Some people gleefully accuse President Bush of being intellectually challenged. They say he is too simplistic; that he sees things in black and white; that he doesn't take a nuanced approach. All that is besides the point. I think a highly underestimated Bush would make a good scientist. Before you get your panties all twisted, let me illustrate with a very recent example. A few days ago, we learnt that Bush had authorized domestic spying, ostensibly in response to the continued terrorist threat. To say the least, it raised more than a few eyebrows and the administration quickly realized it was losing the domestic debate.

In what can only be described as a brilliant move, Bush's minions came up with a time-tested strategy: rename the problem. Domestic spying became terrorist surveillance. Now, who in their right mind can oppose 'terrorist surveillance'?!

Not to be cynical about it, but that's how a large part of the research world in engineering works. If something doesn't work, change the problem you were trying to solve! And whatever you propose, make sure it has a cool-sounding name. A cute acronym gives you bonus points. Without taking away the merit of the work, CONDENSATION algorithm (CONitional DENSity propogATION) is an example. The counter-cynical view? Sour grapes!

Bush Thanks NSA Employees

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