Tuesday, August 17, 2004

McGroovy :)

A couple of days ago Governor McGreevey of New Jersey heralded "I am a gay American" and tendered his resignation. He had an extra-marital affair and just when things looked like they would blow up in his face, he pre-empted all the hoopla by announcing his intention to step down. Of course, it was foolish and unethical on his part and it is safe to assume that the voters wouldn't be kind and forgiving although I don't think people are all too shocked when politicians are caught in sex scandals. If the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal is any indicator, the Republicans would've had a field day with McGreevey's confession.

But the fact remains that Clinton, with Senator Clinton by his side weathered the storm and went on complete his innings. Would we live to see a world where the likes of McGreevey don't have to act straight (no Oscars for that!) - and go on to be openly gay governors and presidents?!

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