Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Bend the truth till it breaks

Truth is like light - truth, like light, bends. It bends near important people. It gets distorted to suit the needs, whims and fancies of powerful people. And, over time, truth gets distorted. If at time 't', one linearly projects the current perception of truth backwards in time, then one reaches a state that is quite different from the state of affairs that actually existed at time t=0. The exulting eulogies of Mr. Reagan notwithstanding, some say the characterizations are at least in some cases, wildly off the mark. Today's Washington Post, scrutinizing Reagan's legacy, points out that not everything people are giving Mr. Reagan credit for, is completely accurate. A lot of people didn't like the President's policies. As Barbara Streisand put it in an address to an AIDS Project Los Angeles fundraiser in 1992: "I will never forgive my fellow actor Ronald Reagan for his genocidal denial of the illness' existence, for his refusal to even utter the word AIDS for seven years, and for blocking adequate funding for research and education which could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives." In the CNN, Professor Dorf writes about Reagan and the courts. Of course, one doesn't speak ill of the departed.

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