Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Port Security Humbug

So the administration wants to award port security contracts to a UAE-based firm. And just about everybody in the US Congress - Republicans and Democrats alike - is opposed to the idea. This makes for perfect political posturing, and you hear jingoistic statements like "let Americans control America's security." Conveniently though, they forget the disclaimer: Except when UK controls port security! You see, for years now, a London-based firm has been handling this business!

The Congress is saying it will kill the proposed deal. Democrats, in a rare instance of demonstrating any spine, are saying they will join in sinking it. Bush has vowed to veto any legislation to block this deal.

Or may be Democrats are wagging their fingers just like they did when threatening to filibuster Justice Alito's nomination. Everyone, including the Democrats, knew that the nomination was a done deal. But hey, the cameras were rolling!

In any case, this is just another instance of the us vs. them syndrome. To the Americans, anyone in the greater middle East (except for Israel) is a 'them'. If they sport turbans or flowing robes, they must be terrorists, no? Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Port Security Humbug

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